Who we are

Almost 40 years of fulfilling the Great Commission

Meet our staff

Our team is excited to minister to you and your family

Whats happening

Find out more about the exciting things happening at our Church


Our Mission Statement:

Common People Committed to Fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ

Weekly Ministries


9:45am | Sunday School for ALL AGES

10:55am | Morning Service

6:00pm | Evening Adult, Youth, 

and Children's Services


6:00pm | Bible Study | Childcare Provided


6:00pm | Adult, Youth,

and Awana


6:30am | Men's Prayer Breakfast


10:00 am | Girls Bible Study 

Will start again, Saturday, August 17th.
We will be going through the book of Ruth.
We start at 10 AM at SLBC.
All girls aged 12-17 are welcome, we would
love to have you!

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